Events & Retreats


Kamalaya's Blue Zones Group Retreat

5 – 11 May 2024

This innovative program, based on 20 years of research by Blue Zones, offers guests an immersive experience to discover the secrets of longevity and wellbeing from the world’s blue zones regions. Kamalaya’s Blue Zones group retreat promises to transform, inspiring individuals to lead healthier, happier and more purposeful lives. Blue zones are regions across the globe where residents enjoy exceptionally long and vibrant lives, with high rates of centenarians and low rates of chronic disease. “We are thrilled to introduce the Blue Zones® group retreat
at Kamalaya, inviting our guests to embrace the wisdom and lifestyle habits that promote unprecedented longevity,” says Karina Stewart, Founder and Chief Wellness Officer of Kamalaya. “Our collaboration with Blue Zones has allowed us to curate an evidence-based program that uncovers the secrets of the world’s longest-lived cultures, empowering our guests to make meaningful changes in their lives.


This 6-night Retreat is priced at 246,173 THB per person.


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